by: Vicenzo Esposito
The red factor in canaries is the consequence of hybridization with the Venezuelan cardinal and subsequent crossbreeding of the descendants. It seems that its multifactorial nature (transmission of several genes) has also contributed to the creation of the mosaic category. Therefore, illustrious breeders and geneticists are arrived at the conclusion that the mosaic is sex linked, dominant recessive thanks to the multifactoriality transmitted by the spinus. This is also my theory.
The structure of the feathers, as can also be seen from the overexposure photos, have significant differences depending on the intense, frosted or mosaic category.
We note that in the intense version the lipochrome extends up to the apex of the banner keeping the sub-feather white while in the frosted version the upper part is devoid of lipochrome. Furthermore we can observe that in the mosaic we have two different structures namely; feather with an intensive structure (in which we note the banner with a very small frost dimension) feather with a frosted structure in which the upper part of the banner is much more frosted and therefore more extensive. From these observations and from personal and practical experiences, it can be deduced that, when a feather of a red or red mosaic is uprooted, it shows an increase in the frost in the upper part of the banner. Practically if before the frost was 0.5 mm, after carrying out this practice, we notice an increase in the frost quantified in mm.
From this we can say that even if a judge were to clear a subject to verify the feasibility of this practice, this would be impossible because he will never know the real extent of the frost before and after plucking. Only an expert eye can realize, but mostly because the natural red mosaic canary is not as perfect as the plucked ones. The most difficult areas where this practice can be seen are represented by the cheeks, nape and neck, which represent the most delicate areas to pluck. Therefore it is necessary to select the subjects that have fewer lipochrome polluted areas especially in these sectors!
Grooming consists of preparing canaries for exhibitions, trying to make them adhere as much as possible to the standard. It concerns the uprooting of feathers which should be whiter, instead of red, in the areas where the canary must have these characteristics. This practice is not recommended for beginners as it is very difficult, and if not done professionally, it can also lead to the death of the subjects or even to the non-regrowth of the uprooted feathers. However, even by implementing this practice, the canaries must independently approach as much as possible the standard of excellence (result obtainable through selection) so that the subjects undergo slight adjustments before exposure (from a poor canary you do not get excellent results! Santi Attilio, as I have repeatedly stated, he is the pioneer of this category and is the most expert as he has been breeding them for many years. Finally, it must be said that in recent decades, chemicals have also begun to be used to eliminate red from areas where it is not desired!
I came across an article that appeared on Facebook to say the least disconcerting, in which it was mentioned that I apparently said that grooming was not applicable to reds but only to mosaic reds. This is absolutely false as those who understand feathers can come to the conclusion that this practice can also be carried out in frosted red. I only asserted that a frosted canary presented at an exhibition, and winning result, was not perfectly groomed as the different shades of lipochrome and the significant discrepancy between the frosting on the back and chest were very evident (even to the less expert eye). and sides, precisely due to the plucking carried out only in these areas. Furthermore, I was even accused of being vulgar, I close by saying and hoping to have helped to clarify things a little, and above all to dilute some tones that have become truly indignified and irresponsible.
Since I'm not a geneticist but a simple breeder, I apologize if I made a mistake or omitted to say something. I'm always open to discussion as long as it's constructive and responsible and not like some characters have implemented!
Red Mosaic by breeder Mario Lattuchelli

Frost Red Factor White Wings from Breeder Albert Silva

Frost Mosaic Top and Frost Red Bottom

Intensive Mosaic Top and Intensive Red Bottom
